Reviews: Skywalker 15-feet Rectangle Jump-N-Dunk Trampoline

Reviews: Skywalker 15-feet Rectangle Jump-N-Dunk Trampoline

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Written By Melvin

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Some of you are looking for the cheapest trampoline possible. If that sounds like you, then you’re going to want to look at this 15’ round trampoline from Skywalker – it’s about half of the price as the 15’ rectangle one.

But for those of you who are looking for a little bit more, take a look at this rectangular trampoline from Skywalker. You get more “bounce” area, a significantly higher weight limit, and a better bouncing experience overall.

Why Choose a Rectangular Trampoline?

If you’ve been on a round trampoline, you know that it works… but often, your jumps aren’t too coordinated. You jump, and because of the circular design, you’re not 100% sure where you’ll land.

With a rectangular trampoline, you get more “accurate” jumps. Instead of flailing around wildly, you (for the most part) go straight up and down. On top of that, because of the way the springs are positioned, you also get higher jumps – which is what we’re all aiming for in a trampoline, right?

Aside from the jumps, the design of a rectangular trampoline allows for more of the jumping area to be efficiently used and offers more safety features than a circular trampoline. On the outside of a circular trampoline, the objective is to always jump towards the center, because it’s very hard to jump on the outside and then land on the outside again without falling onto the padding. With a rectangular trampoline, there are clear-cut corners, making this a non-issue.

Finally, rectangular trampolines are better for gymnasts. You can’t do handsprings or back handsprings on a circular trampoline – there’s just not enough room. On a rectangular one, there is.

So, get a rectangular one if you’re:

  • Using it for athletic purposes.
  • Looking to get higher jumps.
  • Looking to fit more people on it at once.
  • Offers more safety especially when landing.

Now, let’s go over why this particular rectangular trampoline from Skywalker is the best value for the money.

Skywalker Rectangle Trampoline General Information

Skywalker Trampolines Rectangle TrampolineThis Skywalker trampoline rests upon a galvanized steel frame with reinforced T-sockets that stabilize the upper enclosure frame to the trampoline phrase, which prevents structural twisting.

The net itself of the Skywalker rectangle trampoline enclosure is made of polyethylene material of high quality, making it durable and UV-resistant. The spring pad, which is also UV-resistant, is one inch thick, made of foam, and is extra wide; it was designed to be protective, comfortable, and durable.

This Skywalker rectangle trampoline frame has a weight capacity of 250 lbs, which is more than sufficient for most children and adults. It can handle people jumping in groups as well as a solo (though we do recommend adhering to the official weight limit).

Why the 15’ Skywalker Rectangle Trampoline Rocks

It’s one of (if not the) cheapest rectangular trampolines available to the general public, and yet despite its low price, it comes packed with features.

Durability – Doesn’t get “too much” Bounce

Shoddy trampolines will present you with a problem down the line. At first, they’ll work well. But as the bounce count goes up, the material will start to give more and more, meaning that it takes longer and longer to get up into the air. This isn’t ideal for athletes – you always want a uniform jump to do tricks and prevent injury.

The 15’ rectangle trampoline from Skywalker does exactly that. Multiple reviewers attest to the fact that they’ve used theirs heavily for years, and it still works as it did right out of the box.

Durability – Holds up to the Elements

Are you going to drag a massive trampoline indoors every single time it mists or drizzles? You’re probably not going to do that – after all, this model from Skywalker weighs almost 200 pounds.

You don’t have to worry about this one rusting or decaying over time. It’s made from galvanized steel, and all of the materials are resistant to UV light. If you look at the reviews, you’ll see multiple reviewers claiming that it still looks new and shiny years after they purchased it.

What you Actually get with the Purchase

It’s not just a trampoline. You also get a zip enclosure, the poles to wrap the enclosure around and thick, comfy 1” padding. The frame for both the enclosure and the trampoline itself are quite sturdy and resistant to weather, as is the netting and pad.

Easier to Set Up than Most Trampolines

Skywalker makes trampolines for “the rest of us”. So when you take it out of the box and go to set it up, you won’t be tearing your hair out and making trips to get an assortment of nuts and screws – everything is included, and the instructions are clear-cut.

The only thing you may have to buy is padding for the trampoline enclosure poles. As a helpful reviewer suggested, you can get pool noodles in your kid’s favorite color and just slide ‘em right on. In case you’re wondering… pool noodles are incredibly cheap, and you won’t have to pay more than $10 for all of them combined.

Final Thoughts on the Skywalker 15 Foot Rectangular Trampoline

If you want a quality trampoline with tons of bounce that is also extremely safe and you do not want to pay an amount equivocal to the price of a used car, then the Skywalker Rectangular Trampoline is your product. It is great for gymnasts and sturdy enough for the entire family to enjoy. It is a quality trampoline that will last the family for years and we recommend it highly.

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